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Building Completion Certificate (BCC) is a mandatory document that validates that construction is in line with building norms. The local development and Municipal Corporation are the competent authorities to provide the certificate.
Building Competition Certificate (BCC) for MIDC Plots
MIDC is a grantor of the Plots for Industrial, Commercial and Residential Purposes in Maharashtra. Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation grants Plots for the lease period of 95 years. According to the MIDC norm, the plot holders have to develop their plot and obtain the Building Completion Certificate (BCC) within the stipulated time depending on the zonal division. Special Planning Authority (SPA) is the department which approvals the plan submitted prior to the construction and after completion, the department examines the site and verifies the construction as per norms followed by providing BCC. After obtaining the BCC the plot holder can start the Industrial activity and even in case the holder wants to transfer the leasehold rights that is possible.
For setting up new industry in MIDC area, 10 number of permissions are required after allotment, out of which following permissions are within the purview of E&MD offices.
1) Building plan approval.
2) Drainage plan approval (External) (if applicable).
3) Provisional and Final Fire NOC (upto 5000 m2 plot area)
4) Power NOC
5) Water connection
6) CETP membership (if applicable).
7) Plinth completion.
8) Building Completion Certificate (BCC) / Occupation Certificate (OC)
To start construction on a plot, building permission is a major activity and ultimately the allottee has to obtain BCC and start production within the stipulated period. Out of Eight permissions, the allottee has to simultaneously obtain following permissions from MIDC.
Building plan approval.
Drainage plan approval (External)
Fire NOC
Water connection
CETP membership.
B) Power NOC
A) Sanction to the Building plan, drainage plan, Fire NOC, Water Connection, CETP membership
As per the present practice, the allottee has to apply separately for each of the above approval. Some of the application forms are available on the web site through which the applications received are expected to be decided. However, it is observed that the allottee has to attend various MIDC .offices for each activity. In order to grant approval in one go, a common application form for all the permissions is devised and will be made available on the web site. The allottee can submit application on web site and later on hard copies of the application forms along with required enclosures will be received in the respective SPA’s office. The enclosures i.e. documents and undertakings etc shall be as per the revised Citizen Charter which is enclosed with this circular. In this regard, the following course of actions shall be initiated.
(i) In case of fire NOC, the application received from the allottee shall be forwarded by SPA to the respective Fire Dept if necessary (depending upon size of plot) with reference to the circular N. MIDC/Fire/A04499 dt. 05/01/2015 issued by CFO & FA MIDC Mumbai.
(ii) At some locations, SPAs are not the authority for granting water supply connection and/or drainage plan approval. In such cases, application received from the allottee shall be forwarded to the respective EE/DE for scrutiny and sanction.
(iii) As regards CETP membership, the application shall be verified and the fees/charges to be recovered, shall be got confirmed from the concerned CETP Society.
(iv) It is mandatory that after receipt of the proposal from SPA, the respective authority (i.e. Fire Dept, Drainage plan/water connection approving authority) shall forward their comments/ demand note within 7 working days.
(v) In case, any compliance from allottee is required, the same shall be communicated on very next day by SPA to allottee.
(vi) The compliance received from allottee, shall be forwarded by SPA to respective authorities.
(vii) The SPA shall act as a coordinator for getting the required comments/demand note from the respective authorities for the other activities not related to him.
(viii) After receipt of compliance, a demand note shall be sent by the respective authorities to SPA who will in turn combine/compile the same and communicate a common demand note to allottee accordingly, (Specimen demand note is enclosed).
(ix) It may happen that it may not be possible to get the compliance from the allottee for all of the above activities within time frame prescribed as per Citizen Charter In such case, the SPA will not wait for the compliance from the allottee and shall issue demand note/approval to the activities for which no compliance is required and/or compliance is received and found satisfactory.
(x) After the payment is received from the allottee for the charges for any of the activity of building plan approval, water connection, external drainage connection (if applicable), CETP membership (if applicable) and fire NOC, the respective fees shall be transferred immediately to respective EE/DE/Fire Office to maintain proper record.
(xi) Once the payment is made final approval to above activities shall be communicated to SPA by the respective authorities within next working day.
(xii) Upon receipt of such approval from all authorities, SPA shall issue a common approval letter. A specimen of the Common Approval Letter is enclosed.
B) Power NOC:
A power NOC shall be issued by SPA along with building plan approval.
C) Plinth Completion:
The Plinth Completion Certificate may be issued by SPA on demand of the allottee within the stipulated time after following due procedure.
Documents required for issuing Occupancy Certificate: (to be submitted by the applicant)
Online Application for Building Completion Certificate.
Plinth Checking Certificate (if required)
Architects Application for OC Part OC
Form no 8 of Building completion certificate by Architect with Valid license copy
Form No. 14, Certificate of structural Stability with valid license copy of structural Engineer
Final Fire NOC from MIDC Fire dept with Certificate of Licensed Fire Agency
Certificate of completion of sanitation& plumbing work with valid license copy
Undertaking on the company's letterhead for 24 Hrs storage water supply.
MPCB's Consent to operate
No Dues Certificate for water and service charges
Factory Act registration if applicable
NOC from Food Drugs Dept if applicable.
Indemnity bond on Rs. 100 stamp paper in case of Part Occupancy
Copy of Building plan approval and set of approved Fresh As-Built plans
Extension Letter from Regional Officer if applicable
Site Inspection report by Plot Owner in case of Low-Risk Buildings by Architect or Structural Engineer and Licensed Fire Agencies in case of Medium Risk Buildings.
Process steps for obtaining Occupancy Certificate:
Step 1: The applicant is required to submit an online application to MIDC SWC Portal and written notice as per clause no. 10.2 (1) of DCR 2009 regarding completion of the development in Form No. 8 enclosed in MIDC DCR, 2009, duly signed by the Registered Architect and is submitted to concerned SPA.
Step 2: The proposal will be automatically forwarded to the concerned Fire Officer for issuance of Final Fire NOC on the same date of online application by Owner Concerned Fire Officer shall issue Final Fire NOC within 15 days from the date of online application.
Step 3: The architect/applicant has to submit all mandatory documents along with the as-built plans & upload online.
Step 4:
i) Joint inspection shall be carried out by Fire department and SPA for High, Risk Buildings within 7 working days from the issuance of Fire NOC. The site Inspection report shall be uploaded within 48 hours after inspection.
ii) Site inspection is to be done to determine whether the building is as per the approved plans and is as per norms of MIDC DCR-2009 and if the structure violates the regulations of MIDC, DCR-2029 found deviation in approved Building Plans then compounding charges shall be led wherever applicable.
Step 5: Occupancy certificate will be issued to the applicant subject to the condition of clearance of all documents and construction done as per provided drawing with all structural safety.
Timeline for obtaining Building Completion Certificate (BCC)
MIDC is an agency responsible for granting land in Maharashtra and setting the policies for the optimum utilization of the available resources as well as modifying the set policies for the betterment of Industrialisation.
The permissible Floor Space Index in Maharashtra is 1. The plot holders can develop the plots in sections. But they have to obtain Building Completion Certificate by developing a minimum of 40% of the land parcel according to current guidelines and start the activity at a stipulated time.
Earlier the FSI consumption for obtaining BCC was 20%, the plot holders were to develop 20% of the plot area but Vide circular no: C05579 dated 21st June 2019 MIDC has revised the FSI consumption percentage for obtaining BCC for MIDC plots. Henceforth minimum of 40% construction is required for obtaining BCC. The salient features of the circular are:
Those plot holders who had obtained BCC, but the constructed area is less than 40% of the plot & balance land of the plot is open. Those plot holders should consume a minimum of 40% FSI within 2 years from the date of issuance of this circular.
After completion of two years from 21st June 2019 if revised BCC for 40% is not obtained, then non-utilization charges at @ 10% of the prevailing MIDC rate for open land till revised BCC of minimum 40 % is obtained would be charged. The penalty would be charged till the last date of the month of issuance of the revised BCC.
After completing 2 years from the date of this circular non-utilization charges are applicable for the next 2 yrs.
After completion of the extension period of two years if the BCC of minimum 40 % isn’t obtained in such case no further extension would be given. Leaving the area of FSI consumed by the plot, (as per the set norms the required area for the development of the FSI would be left with the lessee), the remaining plot would be taken away by MIDC.
Henceforth for the allotments of new plots, the BCC rule of 40% would be applicable. The new offer letter, allotment letter & A2L would have the clause of 40 % construction in stipulated time.
This circular is not applicable to Mega Projects where Phase wise development is submitted to MIDC & as per plan the project is in progress.
In case any of the Industrial activity requires more open space, in such a case after obtaining feedback from the Planning Department & Technical Advisor, the CEO can permit the lesser construction as required by the Industrial activity.
Notice to be given within 30 days to all the Industrialists where construction is less than 40 %.
Clause for utilizing of land 40% FSI is to be put in Agreement to lease for the New allotment.
After Completion and checking of building constructed as per plan by SPA, Building Plan Approval, Tree Plantation Certificate, Drainage Completion Certificate is approved and provided online in your profile.
If your building is not in the dimension or constructed before approval of plan then compounding charges will be levied upon your constructed building. Following are the detail for compounding charges:
MIDC has revised the rates for Compounding charges to be paid towards deviations from approved building plans. These rates are only applicable in case of Industrial usage and not for Residential or Commercial. For Residential & Commercial usage previous rates will be applicable.
One can arrive at the official figure of compounding charges using calculations mentioned in the attached document.
To know more about Building Completion Certificate, Drainage Completion Certificate, Tree Plantation Certificate and Compounding Charges you may consult us on the following details:
Heritage Enterprises, 1st Floor, RP 28, Milap Nagar, MIDC Resi Zone, Dombivli East - 421201 or call:
Mr. Aakash Karoo - 8097590128,
Mr. Ram Hatti - 9136389617,
or write to us at heritageenterprises001@gmail.com
We shall be happy to help you!