Extension Of Time Limit
We request you to kindly register with us inorder to get contacted and get your extension of time limit done within given period.
Registration Form
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Those plot holders who had obtained BCC, but the constructed area is less than 40% of the plot & balance land of plot is open. Those plot holders should consume a minimum 40% FSI within 2 years from the date of issuance of this circular.
After completion of two years from 21st June 2019 if revised BCC for 40% is not obtained, then non-utilization charges at @ 10% of the prevailing MIDC rate for open land till revised BCC of minimum 40 % is obtained would be charged. The penalty would be charged till the last date of the month of issuance of revised BCC.
After completing of 2 years from the date of circular non- utilization charges are applicable for the next 2 yrs.
After completion of the extension period of two years if the BCC of minimum 40 % isn’t obtained in such case no further extension would be given. Leaving the area of FSI consumed by the plot, (as per the set norms the required area for the development of the FSI would be left with the lessee), the remaining plot would be taken away by MIDC.
If the BCC is not obtained in a given period and delayed then penalty charges may be applicable as per MIDC circular and yearly charges for delay in production and completion of BCC can be imposed.
To know more about Extension of Time Limit you may consult us on the following details:
Heritage Enterprises, 1st Floor, RP 28, Milap Nagar, MIDC Resi Zone, Dombivli East - 421201 or call:
Mr. Aakash Karoo - 8097590128,
Mr. Ram Hatti - 9136389617,
or write to us at heritageenterprises001@gmail.com.
We shall be happy to help you!